Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Advanced Squad Leader, Squad Leader, ATS, MechWar 2, Soldiers, Fireteam, Conflict of heroes, and many others.  Wargaming at the individual, team, or squad level, recreating company to battalion-sized level small unit actions.  This is wargaming at the ground level.  Where every man counts.  Where leadership matters.  Where that machinegun, properly placed, can be the decisive factor in maintaining the defense and holding off that enemy attack.  This is a blog I started to just put down my thoughts on tactics, games, scenarios, methods,…you name it.  So welcome!
I have been playing wargames since about 1980 or so.  My first game was Tactics II, and my second was Squad Leader.  I was hooked, and got a couple of my friends hooked, too.  Through high school we played a lot of SL, and at West Point (class of 88) I was in the Wargame Club. We played a variety of games, and we even playtested Victory Games’ Gulf Strike.  I left the hobby for a while in the Army, and returned to it off and on until a year ago or so, when I jumped in big time again! 
My favorite games have always been tactical ones, but I also love the OCS series, the SCS series (and just about anything from Dean Essig), the Assualt series by GDW, the Third World War series also by GDW, and many other games.  It’s a great hobby, a great way to learn history, and a great way to have some fun and meet some cool people.  No, we are not all geeks!  Welcome!

Combat at the Ground Level!

Advanced Squad Leader, Squad Leader, ATS, MechWar 2, Soldiers, Fireteam, Conflict of heroes, and many others.  Wargaming at the individual, team, or squad level, recreating company to battalion-sized level small unit actions.  This is wargaming at the ground level.  Where every man counts.  Where leadership matters.  Where that machinegun, properly placed, can be the decisive factor in maintaining the defense and holding off that enemy attack.  This is a blog I started to just put down my thoughts on tactics, games, scenarios, methods,…you name it.  So welcome!