Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What is Tactics?

Tactics?  Strategy?  What about the operational level of military maneuver?  What is the difference?  And why does it matter?  I thought this was a gaming blog...  well, it is.  But a little understanding of the context surrounding the games is helpful.  Definitions, concepts, and histories are all helpful in creating a greater enjoyment of the game.  At least in my opinion.  

The U.S. Army FM 100-5 Operations defines the levels of warfare in this way:  
Strategy is concerned with national or, in specific cases, alliance or coalition objectives.  The operational level provides the vital link between strategic objectives and tactical employment of forces.  At the operational level, military forces attain strategic objectives through the design, organization, and conduct of campaigns and major operations. Tactical battles and engagements are fought to achieve operational results.

Tactics involves the arrangement and employment of troops and equipment to attain a military objective.  The word "tactics" comes from Greek words ta taktika, meaning the matters of arrangement. It is also from the neuter plural of taktikos, concerning arrangement or order, and from taktos arranged (for battle). The verb form is tassein, to arrange.  Way more detail than you need, but it is interesting to note that the concept is the arrangement of stuff for battle.  Getting men and weapons in the right place at the right time for successful execution of battle.  

More from FM 100-5:  

At the tactical level of war, battles and engagements are planned and executed to accomplish military objectives assigned to tactical units or task forces. These victories, put together, achieve operational results. Activities at this level focus on the ordered arrangement and maneuver of combat elements in relation to one another and to the enemy to achieve combat objectives directed by the operational commander.  Tactics is the art and science of employing available means to win battles and engagements.  Tactics is  battlefield problem-solving—usually rapid and dynamic in nature.

Tactics in wargaming is the same as tactics in the real world.  I like the last line from the FM above: tactics is battlefield problem solving.  The considerations are the same.  Where do I best utilize my best squads?  What are the likely avenues of approach, and how do I position my units to defend each of those?  Do I need to?  Where can I place my heavy machine gun to take best advantage of its high rate of fire and longer range?  Tanks?  AT guns?  Mines? Obstacles? Special infantry such as engineers or sappers?  All of these factors make tactical considerations so much fun.  

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